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Family History Notebook

This is a collection of information on individuals and places related to my family history. It's from a variety of sources, including my inherited family document archives, local history web sites,, and other sources.

Mainly this is a place for the information I'm discovering where it won't be buried in metadata on photos or hidden on behind a paywall at Ancestry.

Like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this no doubt "...has many omissions and contains much that isΒ apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate."

To start:

  • Click or tap on any of the family names on the left to see a list of pages related to that family.
  • Try the tags page to see a taxonomy of tags used on pages.
  • Use the magnifying glass button above to search this site

Some notes on information here:

  • This is an online notebook, not a finished site, so inconsistencies are expected. Feedback is welcome but don't expect a lot of polish.
  • Each page for a person includes links to parents, children, and spouse(s), but there's no overall family tree page.
  • Documents are organized by a person's last name, or by the most closely associated last name. For example Southold is filed in the "Harrington" folder since in my history it was associated mainly with the Harringtons.
  • Maiden names are used for anybody who had one.
  • Filenames for people include their birth and death years to avoid ambiguity, for example Daniel Harrington (1834-1917). See Notes on Names for more information.
  • I'm not including anyone currently alive or even recently alive.

Recent changes:
