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Daniel Harrington (1834-1917)

  • Born in Ireland 29 May 1834
  • Immigrated to USA 1839
  • Details of parents and siblings are somewhat speculative. Daniel's early life is hard to find out about, though there's ample info on his adulthood.
  • Married Rachel in 1863 in Hebron, NY.
  • It's not clear when he and Rachel moved to Cambridge, however an obituary of their son Clement indicates they were in Hebron at the time of his birth in January 1867.
  • See notes on Mary Harrington (1836-1907)'s parents, who may have been named Dennis and Margaret.
  • The Bancroft Public Library's cemetery resources lists Daniel's cause of death as Bright's disease, and corroborate his parents' first names.

Civil War

  • Enlisted 25 April 1862 while living in Hebron, NY. Mustered in 4 September 1862, 22nd NY regiment. (From US Town Clerk's Registers of Men who Served in the Civil War, at Ancestry).
  • Mentioned by James Harvey Clement (1836-1862) in 📄 Letter, James H Clement to Martha Whedon, Feb 20 1862. James H would have become Daniel's brother-in-law but James was killed before Daniel and Rachel were married.
  • An article listing "HEBRON PATRIOTS IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION" also lists soldiers in the war of 1812 and "Union War", as they call it. A section of the end covers "THE NOBLE 123D REGIMENT under Colonel McDougall" and lists "Daniel Harrington" twice, once wounded, once not. This section says that "most of whom belonged" to the 123rd, so other references to the 22nd may be more accurate.

Birthday Clipping

My archives include a newspaper clipping, on which someone added the date May 29, 1909:

A Birthday Episode

Those who saw Daniel Harrington coming from the post office Saturday morning decided he must be the new mail carrier for South Union street, so full were his pickets and hands with mail. The facts, however, were that Mr. Harrington had a birthday the 29th, being 75 years young, and his friends were giving him a postal shower. Nonety birthday postals testified that the family and friends congratulated him. Besides these pleasant messages he received $75-- a doller for every year-- an easy chair and other loving remembrances. With the mail came the following lines from a friend:

Three score years and ten, yea more,
And still God's goddness faileth not,
While those there be with sorrows sore,
Yet peace and plenty are they lot.

Wife and children all are spared thee,
Surely God hath crowned thy days,
Mercies great and loving kindness
Call for songs of loudest praise.

May the coming years still hold
Joy and happiness untold,
And when thy course here all is run,
And thy work on earth is done
May God take thee in his love,
Home to Him in heaven above.

Address in Cambridge NY

  • Address:
    • Daniel Harrington lived at 82 Washington, Cambridge, NY, according to city directories. This is not a valid address, at least not currently.
    • Comparing photos with Google maps and street view suggests an address of 66 South Union St, at the intersection with Academy St.
    • Zillow shows 66 South Union as built in 1870.
    • Cambridge NY renumbered the addresses of some houses in 1954 due to postal regulations, which might account for non-valid addresses in older references.
    • A newspaper article about Daniel and Rachel's 50th anniversary (see scan in Photos) mentions an address on South Union, "where they have resided for the past forty-five years". They were married in 1863, so this indicates living at this house from 1868 onward.
  • Other address:
    • Daniel P., wood turner, is listed in the 1894 city directory as having an address at "286 Main", which may be a business address (not home anyway)
    • There's an East Main and a West Main. 286 West Main is residential. East Main adddresses only seem to run to 198 on Google Maps, 183 on Apple Maps. East Main is farms in that area.
    • Daniel Harrington lived in Hebron, NY the late 1860s before moving to Cambridge
    • records Daniel Harrington living in Saratoga Springs, NY in the early 1860s.


My archived include more than one obituary, apparently transcribed from newspapers and typed, in blue ink. The transcripts seem to be old but are not dated, and I haven't found original newspaper clippings yet.

One obituary:

Daniel Harrington, one of the oldest residents of Cambridge, died yesterday at his home in that village at the age of 83 years (Aug. 19 1917). Mr. Harrington was president of the board of trustees of the Methodist church in that village and at one time collector for the town of Cambridge. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served with the Twenty-second regiment, New York State Volunteers, and was past commander of Post Mc.Kie of Cambridge.

The survivors are his wife; two daughters Mrs. Alice M. Winslow of Cambridge and Mrs. J.C. Reynolds of Mechanicville; three sons Clement D. of New York, Preston M. of Nyack and Edwin D. of Mechanicville. The funeral will be held from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock with Rev. J.L. Cole officiating. The interment will be at Salem.


Daniel Harrington, who had resided on South Union Street for nearly fifty years, died Sunday Aug. 19, 1917, aged 83 years. He was born in Ireland and came to Canada when very young, moving to Hebron soon after where he resided previous to coming to Cambridge. He was a carpenter by trade but had been retired for several years. He was a veteran of the Civil War, being a member of Co.D. 22 Regt, N.Y. State Volunteers. He was past Commander of John Mc Kie post No. 309 G.A.R. For a great many years he was very active in the affairs of the Methodist Episcopal church, being president of the board of trustees at the time of his death. On Nov. 10th 1913, he with his wife celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The survivors are his wife, who was Rachel P. Clement, and five children: Mrs. Alice M. Winslow of Cambridge; Clement, New York; Preston, Nyack N.Y.; Mrs. J.C. Reynolds and Edwin, Mechanicville, N.Y. The funeral was held Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. from the house, Rev. John L. Cole officiating. The burial was at Salem, N.Y.

A third:

The funeral of Daniel Harrington was held on Wednesday at 1.30 p.m from his late home on South Union street. There were many present, including the veterans of Post McKie. His pastor, Rev. John L. Cole, conducted the devotional exercises and paid a worthy tribute to the deceased, especially emphasizing his faithfulness through forty eight years to his Christian confession and devotion to the church and spoke also of his interest in the affairs in his home town, and of his country at the outset of the war and every [sic] since. He also spoke of the devotion in a happy home life and to his family, commending the mutual service of father and children in these latter years. Rev. Edwin Genge gave endorsement to the eulogy of the pastor, and tenderly referred to his own experience while the pastor of Embury M.E. chirch in his association with Mr. Harrington. At the conclusion of the service the remains were taken to the Salem cemetery for burial, a delegation of Post McKie also going with them.

Also, a document of Harrington and Clement births and deaths apparently written by Rachel Perham Clement (1838-1920) includes this note:

Daniel Harrington died Sunday, Aug. 19, 1917, just before 8 A.M. Funeral held Wednesday Aug. 22nd, 1:30, J.L Cole & Edwin Genge officiating. Interment Salem, N.Y.

Sunday Aug. 26 would have been the 48th anniversary of his membership in the Embury M.E. Church.

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