π Last Will and Testament of John Toan
Last will and testament of John Toan, included in the π Frank Jerome Tone family history letters.
Spelling and capitalization are as found in the transcript. Some archaic usage may be in the original, while some may have been introduced in the transcription. I have started a new paragraph with each "Item" for easier reading, but the original had no paragraph breaks.
Will dated June 9, 1791.
WIll probated November 7, 1791.
Inventory November 7, 1791.
Recorded In the office of the
Secretary of State 7913 L
Book 32 p 458.
LAST WIIL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN TOAN SR. Recorded In the Secretary of State's Office In Book 32 page 458 and known as pages # 7913-7920 L.
In the name of God, Amen, the ninth day of June In the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and ninety one. I, John Toan of the County of Middlesex In the State of New Jersey, yeoman, being aged and not in a good state of health, tho of perfict mind and memery, Blessed be god for the same, and knowing that all men must Die, have made and ordained this my Last will and Testament in the following manner, Viz; first it is my will that my executors herein and after named should Dispose of my personal estate and such Lands as I do no make mention of in this my will, to the Best advantage In their Discration and collect all my out standing Debts, and after paying all my just Debts, to devid the Remainder as I shall herein and hafter direct.
Item I give and bequeath to my oldest son Andrew the interest of thirty pounds during his natural life and to be paid by my son William for reasons herein and after set forth,
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas to him, his Heirs and assigns all that lott of land Laying Eastwardly of the small Brook before my Door which lott I purchased of Samuel Leonard & the Deed is executed by his Executors and allso I give and bequeath to my said son Thomas his Heirs and assigns the eaqual half part of the lott of salt meadow which I purchased of Lazerus Willmert, and this grant to my sd son Thomas is on the following condition and no other, that is to say,: if my said son Thomas credit my estate with one half of the real value of the Bond or obligation which he holds against me, then the sald two Lots of Land shall remain free and clear to him and not other ways.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son John & to his Heirs and Assigns all that lot of Land adjoining his own land and which I purchased of Jacobis Vanderveer as allso one equal half part of the salt meadow which I purchased of Lazerus Willmert, and this grant or gift to my sd son John is on the following condition and no other, that is to say if my said son John doth pay to my son Thomas one eaqual half part of the Bond or obligation which my sald son, Thomas, now holds against me, then the above mentloned two lots shall be and remain free and clear to my said son John --
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William to him and his Heirs or assigns All that Lot or parcel of land which I purchased of the widow of Jonathan Ketchem and David Kitchem whereon I now dwell and allso all that Lot of salt meadow which I purchased of Elizabeth Disbrow, and allso all the Lot of Land which was located to me on the right of William Burnet Laying North westerly from William Browns Land and joining the same, nevertheless the Last mentioned Lot is to be on the following condition and no other, that is to say if my said son William his Heir or Executors shall pay or cause to be paid to my son Andrew the Intriest of thirty pounds yearly During the Life of said Andres, and that In the following manner, that is to say,, the said Intriest is to be lodged in the hands of my Executors and to be Paid out for the use of my said son Andrew as they shall think best for his advantage but should my son William refuse or neglect to pay the said Intrist for the use of my said son Andrew, then it is my will true intent and meaning, that the said Iot Located on the right of William Burnet, should be sold and the money arising therefrom put to Intrist and the Int applled for the use of my son Andrew ss aforesaid During his life, and after his Death to be Devoided eaqually betwixt my four daughters in the same manner as all the residue of my moveable Estate is to be Devoided, and Whereas I purchased a Iot of Land of and from the Executors of James Karney Deceased Laying in the Towship of Middletown Laying southeastwardly from what Is called red Bridge which Lot was Devoided by the said Executors into three lots, before my purchase, Therefore I will and Bequeath the said lot in the following manner, that is to say, I will and Bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah the wife of Thomas Hane to her and her Heirs and Assigns all the upper of south Easterly lot as the same was originally Devoided by the aforesald executors the same extending westwardly to Wm. Hunters Land.
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarrah the wife of James Combs to her and her Heirs and Assigns all the middle lot laying adjoining the aroesd Lot as the same was Layed out by the Exers aforesd -
Item I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Mary the wife of Joel George to her and her Heirs and Assigns, all the lower or North Westwardly Lot which Lays or extendeth near what is called the Red Bridg -
Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth the wife of Hugh Manehan, to her and her Heirs and Assigns one half of the Lot which I purchased of John Lloyd and William Scudder Commitionors of forfited Estates, Including the dwelling house wharein the sd Manehand now Liveth to him or to his Devition, and farther If the said Hugh Manehan will pay or secure to be paid to my Executors, fifty pounds within one year after my Decease then the whole of the said Lot shall remain free and clear to the said Hugh Manehan & to his Heirs and Assigns - but should the said Manehan neglect or Refuse, to pay the sd fifty pounds as the Residure of my Estate, and the monies arising therefrom - eaqually Devoided betwixt my four Daughters, Hannah, Elizabeth, Sarrah & Mary, after payment is made, of my debts and Expenses - And I do hereby constitute make and ordain my sons John Toan William Toan and John Combs, Junr, Esq., - my sold executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking and disanuling all former Wills by me made in Testimony Whereof I the said John Toan have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed published pronounced and Declared by the said John Toan as his Last will and Testament in presence of us who in his preasence and in the preasance of each other have him sign the same
John Rues
John X Green
Jonathan Crowns.John Rue and Jonathan Brown swore before Jonathan Deare, Surrogate of Middlesex County, at New Brunswick the 7th day of November, 1791, to the witness of the will.
John Toan and William, - two of the exexutors named in the Testament qualified before Jonathan Deare, Surrogate of Middlesex County at New Brunswick the 7th day of November, 1791.
The Inventory of the Estate of John Toan late of the County of Middlesex, Deceased:
2 horses | L 15 00 | |
1 ox L6 one heffer L3 one cow L 4 | 13 00 0 | |
1 two year old steer 50/ one cow 4 - 15 | 7 05 | |
The green grain on the ground | 10 00 0 | |
1 Hog L3 three shoats 22s/6 | 4 2 6 | |
11 sheep | 5 10 | |
Waggens and Geers or traces | 11 00 0 | |
Waggon not Irand L 7 | 7 | |
3 Ox chains one ox yoke 20s | 1 00 0 | |
Wheat and Rye in Stack | 2 15 0 | |
Wood slid and Tar barrel | 0 13 0 | |
Cart boxes clavises post ax broad hoe and sundrys | 5 6 | |
Rye in the Barn 12/ | 12 | |
78 03 0 | ||
2 Sider barrels 2 Hogsheads meat and soap Tub | 1 00 0 | |
One two year old heffer and one year old steer | 3 10 0 | |
One Silver Watch | 3 15 0 | |
Goods In the back Room - one cubbard 50/ fether bed bedsteed and bedding L 7 | 9 15 0 | |
Looking Glass 2/6 Case 1/3 on fether bed and furniture L 10 | 10 3 9 | |
One bed in the Loft 3 coverlids 3 blankets 2 sheets | 6 0 0 | |
One Chist 12s Drawers and Candle box 3/ | 0 15 0 | |
13 harrow heath auger and old iron | 16 0 | |
Bridels lather yarn and sundrys | 3 0 | |
12 1b, of wollin yarn spun 35/ | 1 15 0 | |
Sundrys of Lumber with two wheels | 6 0 | |
Chist a Cask and sundry old irons 5/ side of leather 6/ | 11 0 | |
Cash and Gum 2/ hair sive 2/ meal chist and sundrys 7/6 | 11 6 | |
39 1 3 | ||
Brass kettle 10/ drasses 6/6 | 16 6 | |
Folding Table 15/ Buttenmold flax hatchel 2/ | 17 0 | |
3 Framels Hand frove Tongs shovel and Tribit 35/ | 1 15 0 | |
2 iron kettles griddle skillet 16/ Table and pale 3/6 | 19 6 | |
Padlock Conkshell Brushes 2/ tray and milk dishes | 6 | |
Meat Cask and sundrys 3/ | 3 0 | |
4 but plates 4 plates half dozen spoons, 3 knives and forks | 1 15 | |
1 pewter bacon earthen bowls 1/2 cups and saucers one tea pot | 7 6 | |
sheep shears and wevers reeds | 8 0 | |
Wevers lom 15/ | 15 0 | |
Coardwood in the woods oak and pine and at whites landing | 3 16 | |
11 18 6 | ||
Indian Corn In the crib at 2/9 per bushel | 11 00 0 | |
1 side of leather in Tan 5/ five chairg 1/9 | 12 0 | |
Smoothing irons fry pan and hammer 12/ | 12 0 | |
20 bushels of poteatows at 2/sh per bushel | 2 00 0 | |
Hay in the Barn and Stack L 12 | 12 00 0 | |
1 1/2 of wool at 3/ | 3 0 | |
Cash in hand | 2 4 1 | |
Bonds | 46 12 0 | |
Notes | 18 00 0 | |
93 01 8 | ||
Book Deby | 4 0 | |
Flax Spread roting and in the Barn | 15 0 | |
A Stake of Rye at James Combs | 2 15 0 | |
A Bettel and two iron weges | 6 0 | |
Cash in hand | 6 8 0 | |
A Fax Trap and a quart jog | 7 6 |
Taken this 8th day of October by us whose Names Is Hereunder writen it being in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety one.
L 313 00 10 the wholeHis
Thomas X Smith
Dines X Drishel
MarkJohn Toan Executors
William ToanThe oath of the appraisers was taken by Surrogate Jonathan Deare at New Brunswick the 7th day of November 1791.
The oath of the executors deposed that the inventory was a true and perfect one, the same officer taking the oath as above.
- A shoat is a sheep-goat hybrid.
- The
in inventory entries seems to indicateΒ£
, still in use in New Jersey at the time. - Values in the right columns are old-style pounds, shillings, and pence, so "11 18 6" implies Β£11 18 shillings and six pence, which would have been read as "11 pounds 18 and 6".