Letters, Preston Sr. to Carrie Best, 1900
Multiple letters were saved in a single envelope dated August 24, 1900, addressed to Miss C. E. Best, 252 Fenimore St, Borough of Brooklyn, New York, NY.
252 Fenimore St. is near Prospect Park, to the east, near Nostrand Ave.
(Scan 18-21)
Cambridge N.Y.
Dear Bestie
As the weather is too hot to go anywhere this afternoon I thought I would surprise you just a little by writing a few lines. I have been to church to-day and heard a fellow preach that has always lived around here. He gave a very good talk which would sound very good to me from a stranger, but as his past record is quite clear to P.M. I am afraid it didn't do me much good. Ed and I got home yesterday about three thirty, it was terrible hot riding and twenty miles that we had was all I would care for such a day as yesterday. He had a very good time but I think P.M. would enjoyed much better if Bestie had been along. It came near being to much for me, that is the heat, but went to bed at eight last night (usual time) got up at seven and feel O. K. once more.Well Bestie this is Sunday night and you being so far away I will retire early. At this moment I am trying to be as cool as possible. I have only an undershirt on above my waist, but I am not very cool. By the time you get this there will be only three more nights left before I see you and I tell you they will seem pretty long. I had a dream last night that you and I were on the Erie and you forgot to get my ticket and I had to shell out sixty cents full fare, then woke up.
Tell Sue I am putting in ten and eleven hours sleep every night. Well Bestie I would give a cookie to see you now, but as that can't come to pass I will close with a lot of love.
Sunday Aug 26, 5:30 PM(Scan 22-28)
Cambridge, N.Y.Dear Bestie
You will see by this that P.M. arrived safe In Cambridge about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Mother started in to talk some becaus I did not show up on Saturday but thought I had girl on the brain, but I blamed it all on you of course, so look out for yourself when you come.
I arrived in Albany On time, but thought at Po'keepsie we would be a little late but the sixty nine (69) miles from there to Albany was made in about seventy two (72) minutes. I went up to "The Kenmore" to see my friend Mr. Montgomery who is the steward there, so I had to stay to dinner much to my regret but I enjoyed it very much as I was very hungry. Mr. M. Was very anxious to show me around the town but as my time was limited could not very well accept, but told him I would be in Albany Thursday week with a very dear friend of the opposite sex, also sister would be along and we were going to see the sights and would probably have to have a guide so he thought he could show us around better than I guide that I could hire, so we will have a fine fellow to go around the capitol with.
I was very tired last night and retired at eight, rose about seven this morning so you see P.M. made up some time. the folks at home are very pleased at the news from Meriden, they have a daughter born Saturday the 18th by the way which was mother's birthday. P.M. is a real uncle now.
There is a plum tree out in the garden that I set out a great many years ago (less than forty) and it is loaded so heavily that some of the branches have broken partly off but the plums are not quite ripe but think they will be by the time you come, so see what is in store for you.
I walked up town today, greeted some old friends and they all agreed I was in prime shape physically.
To-morrow our Methodist friends have a picnic about ten miles from here at a place called Ondawa Park, but mother and I will be at home and let father and sister go. The dentist that expect to attend to my teeth is in Albany to-day but will try again to-morrow.
Well Bestie this is Tuesday the 21st as you are no doubt aware and I haven't seen you since yesterday, very sad when I honk of it which I do very often, one little kiss and a good squeeze would be nice to-night, but never mind time flies fast. The country looks fine here now just about as lovely as June, everything is so nice and green you will get your first impressions of Washington County at a nice time.
We expect our sister Alice to-night also our brother Edwin Thursday so you will probably have the pleasure of seeing about all of that Harrington family, but don't let that scare you from coming.
I guess this wil be all for this time so will close with a lot of kisses and a precious deal of love.
Yours in unreadable
August 21st 1900
P.S. Look at the top now(At the top of the page, upside down)
P.S. Will look for a letter from you soon, hear from me Saturday at 251 Fenimore St. P.M.
Box 299, Cambridge, N.Y.(Scan 31-35, 29-30)
Cambridge N.Y.
Aug. 24th 1900Dear Bestie
Your letter rec'd last evening and as i came sooner than I expected it was a very agreeable surprise. I suppose this morning Bestie and her sister Sue will be on their way to Brooklyn and will reach their destination long before this does. Well I should say you did meet lots of friends since I have been away. I hope your friend Mrs. K did not make you feel faint from her flow of language. Yes I think I understand about the week off that Flora (?) mentioned. I will pretend I do anyway. Yes Bestie one week from yesterday and things will change a little, and by the way Thule I think about it when you but your ticket for Albany, say "Empire" so there will be no mistake about getting that train.
Last night was the latest I have retired since I have been home, it was most nine o'clock. My brother did not come home until this morning, he was at Saratoga yesterday and this afternoon and we are going on a little bike ride up to a place called Hebron where our folks came from, it is about twenty miles and we will be back to-morrow. I should think you would be satisfied now that your teeth are alright. My dentist's trip to Albany was a little more than he could stand, he has been drunk since he returned and think there is a better chance of having my teeth attended to while I am here. I have been after blackberries twice and got quite a nice lot each time.
As to the material for pillows (?) that you wanted me to gather I found it very slow work alone so I will get more help and try again one of these days. Yes Bestie I think asking you such a question as are you lonesome is very much to the point.
I will be glad to see the house occupied that you mentioned on Depew Ave, it has been vacant so long. We had chicken the other day or rather an old hen and I told mother how you liked down and she said there were plenty more in the barnyard.
Yes the expression about my about my corn (?) or rather your corn (?) sounds very natural, but as Bestie would not let the Doc see it, will have to endure it a while yet.
It gives me great pleasure to receive the congratulations on being an uncle, it makes me feel old. Yes I think you have got a straight eye, in fact I always did think so. When I said 251 Fenimore St in my last communication, I discovered I was a little off but as the envelope was sealed I left it go. Bestie I do wish it were Thursday of next week, it seems a good way off yet. About us being married while away I had that intimated to me down at the house Sunday, but I har a good deal there. Thought I would not mention it to you.Glad you made a dollar so easy hope will make more just as easy.
Mother has to tell everybody that comes around about the grand-daughter Ruth. Love and a kiss I will say goodbye for this time.
Mother says to me as she is going through the room that I have got it bad. What do you think she means? Remember me to Sue.
- "Ed" is Edwin Duane Harrington (1873-1945), Preston Sr's brother
- "Sue" is Susan Annie Best (1873-1940), Carrie's sister
- "Po'keepsie" is Poughkeepsie, N.Y., about 80 miles north of New York City, a little more than halfway to Albany. Albany is 35-40 miles southwest from Cambridge.
- "Sister" could be Martha Alice Harrington (1865-1946) or Anna Emeline Harrington (1880-1944). Records found at Ancestry suggest that both lived in Cambridge at the time but one letter mentions "we expect our sister Alice to-night", so perhaps she lived somewhere else?
- "The Kenmore" was a hotel in Albany. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenmore_Hotel
- The new daughter born August 18 1900 is Helen Harrington (1900-1998), daugter of Preston Sr's brother Clement Daniel Harrington (1867-1940) and Anna Terry Bubert (1859-1954). This is nearly the same as Helen's mother and Preston Sr's mother.
- Meriden is where Clement lived at the time
- One letter mentions "grand-daughter Ruth", who seems to be Ruth Best Harrington (1901-1959). The letter is dated more than a year before Ruth's birth though, and there are no other likely Ruths in the family tree.
- Depew Ave. is in Nyack, where the Bests lived.
- Ondawa Park was a trolley park somewhere in the area of Cambridge/Greenwich/Salem N.Y.