Letter, James H. Clement to sister, Feb 19 1862
This letter from James Harvey Clement (1836-1862) is addressed to "much loved sister", which could be Caroline Clement (1832-1905) or Rachel Perham Clement (1838-1920). The mention of Daniel Harrington (1834-1917) and the extra notes at the end suggest Rachel.
Camp Butterfield February 19 1862
Halls Hill VirginiaWay down in Dixie land
Much Lived Sister
I received your letter a short since I was very much unreadable line in paper fold and to hear that you were all well and flourishing. So unreadable but was very sorry to hear that brother Marvin had had such bad luck in getting his horse hurt-- so bad but never the less such is the case.
Daniel Harrington was here two weeks ago last Sunday and fetched some things to me from home. It seemed very good to see one unreadable face just been to Hebron. Dan is a pretty good fellow.
Dan say William Ross is married to the Brother [?] Maker on the hill. unreadable has got a pretty unreadable of goods don't you think so. But I think they are pretty well unreadable say Sarah Wilson and W Shaw and James Mac Whorter and wife was up unreadabe house the other night-- well I should liked of him there well enough but I am far away. I suppose you all had a great time. Dan say you attended a party at the Rev Daniel Conkeys the other night. I suppose you had lots of fun. It is raining very hard hear to day. Plenty of mud and a little to spare. My health is very good and hope this may find you all in the best of health. How does Jane unreadable get along and all the rest of the folks around Bedlam. Alough [allow?] me to ask you how Jake Mill is.
I will send you my picture just as soon as the mud drys up so & get to Washington without losing my self.
We are getting very good war news now a days. I sent a paper to father a short time since. Please write soon a good long letter. Give my love to Sarah Wilson.
I must close, love to all.
Ever your brother,James H Clement
44th Regiment NY
Washington D.C.
Below on the side:
I will send you in this letter the unreadable of Washington & think it will unreadable for a unreadable don't you. Yours in haste, J.H.C.
- Two other additions appear at the end, one sideways, both almost entirely unreadable, that appear to be signed "R.P. Clement" and "Rachel P. Clement"
- The date is written in the same hand as the letter, but a line at the top reads simply "Sunday April 6 1862 A.D."
- Marvin mentioned in the letter is Marvin F. Clement (1834-1866).
- Dan is of course Daniel Harrington (1834-1917)