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Lloyd Sandt (1929-2004)

A wedding announcement found in my archives includes some biographical info:

Lt. Lloyd Sandt, U.S.A.F., Weds Elizabeth Lynch

Cresskill- Miss Elizabeth Brandt Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lynch of Lancaster, Pa., became the bride of Lieutenant Lloyd Sandt Jr., U. S. A. F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sandt of Cresskill, Saturday at 11 A. M. in the chapel of Linden Hall, Lititz, Pa. Officiating was Dr. D. W. Horne, president of the academy, from which Mrs. Sandt was graduated

Miss Betty Elliot of Washington, D. C., was maid of honor. Edward Dierauf of Tenafly was best man. Ushers were Raymond Lynch Jr., brother of the bride, and David Harrington Sandt, brother of the bridegroom.

A breakfast was held at the General Sutter Hotel.

Mrs. Sandt was graduated from Linden Hall, attended Hood College, and has just completed her junior year at Millersville State Teachers College. Lieutenant Sandt was graduated from Tenafly High School and Lafayette College, and is a member of Theta Xi fraternity.

After a wedding trip to the Poconos and Cape Cod, the couple will reside near Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Neb., where Lieutenant Sandt is stationed.

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