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Ruth Best Harrington (1901-1959)

  • Born in Nyack

From an obituary:

Funeral Services
At Tenafly For
Mrs. Lloyd Sandt

Religious services for Mrs. Ruth Harrington Sandt of 17 Sherwood Road, Tenafly who died Wednesday, Nov. 4, were held Saturday morning at the Tenafly Presbyterian Church. Interment was in George Washington Memorial Park. She was 58.

Born in Nyack, N.Y., she was a 1923 graduate of Goucher College. A member of the Tenafly Presbyterian Church and the Tenafly Women's Club, she was also a member of the Civic and Welfare League of Tenafly. Mrs. Sandt formerly belonged to the Bergen County Home Economics Advisory Council, serving as its president, and was a former Republican County Committee-woman.

Surviving are her husband. Lloyd O. Sandt Sr.; three sons Lloyd O Sandt Jr. of Lindenwall, David and Rodger of Tenafly; a brother, Preston M. Harrington Jr. of Tenafly: and three grandchildren.

Pell Memorial Home in Tenafly handled the arrangements.

From another:

Mrs. Sandt Was
Long Active In
Community Life

TENAFLY - Mrs. Ruth Harrington Sandt, of 17 Sherwood road, Tenafly, died on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Neurological Institute, New York City, atter a five months illness, of a brain tumor. She was 58 years of age.

Born in Nyack, the daughter. of Preston M. and Caroline Harrington, Mrs. Sandt was graduated from Goucher College in 1923, was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Tenafly, the Tenatly Women's Club, the Civic and Weifare Association of Tenar1y, Mrs Sandt was formerly a memper and president of the Bergen County Home Economics Advisory Council and former Republican County Committeewoman.

Surviving are her husband, Lloyd O. Sandt; three sons, Lloyd Jr., of Lindenwald; David and Roger of Tenafly; and three grandcnildren. Also surviving is a brother, Preston M. Harrington Jr., of Tenafly.

Funeral serves were conducted on Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Chapel of the Tenafly Presbyterian Church, with interment foilowing in George Washington Memorial Park Paramus.

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