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Letter to Martha Whedon, 1829

Written to Martha Whedon (1809-1869) from the as-yet-unidentified Clarissa Fenton. Clarissa writes mainly to express how much she misses seeing Martha in person. Martha had a sister in law named Clarissa Clement (1798-1870) but she married James Coburn (1793-1871) and was never a Fenton as far as I can tell.

Dorset August 26 1829


Feeling the operations of fraternal affections in my breast, it prompts me for to move forward in committing to uniting some unreadable reflections. At times I have thought of the acquiaintance I have had with you. We were once favored with an opportunity conversing face t oface, yet we are now separated from beholding each other. Though Mountains between us rise and the unreadble several words yet it does not prevent our unreadbly communications with each other by writing. How fondly I anticipate the pleasure of seeing you. But how soon are our anticipations cut off before they amount to preparations.

Martha I will inform you that I live at home this summer and injoy all that happens that this unreadable earth is capable of imparting. I am this day preparing for a unreadable to the north. I wish you were here to go with me we would have a jolly time I think, but now vain it is to unreadable the thought and how various are the scenes of life, fraught with unreadable and with strife. I will conclude my poor scratchings and I subscribe myself your affectionate friend and well wishes. Please to give my respects to your mother and Polly and all the rest unreadable. Write the first opportunity without fail. unreadable me so far asto burn this unreadable of paper.

Clarissa Fenton
Dorset MA

