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Letter to Daniel Clement, September 18 1838

Addressed to Daniel Clement (1796-1872), written by Jesse Clement (1815-1883) to inform him that Daniel's mother Rachel Perham (1763-1838) has died. Unlike the previous letter (see 📄 Letter to Daniel Clement from Jesse Clement, July 17 1837, Jesse expresses real loss and feeling about Mrs. Perham's death, including only minimal other information.

Emphasis in the original

New Hampton, N.H. Sept. 18th 1838

Dear Uncle,

A little more than one year since I write to you informing you, in my communication, of the death of your father; I am now under the painful necessity of telling you that your Mother is dead. She was sick but a few weeks-- was taken ill at first with the cholera morbus which, in a short time, settled into a Typhus Fever. She died on Friday the 7th of this month. I have not learned the particulars of her last hours, but unreadable she died happily.

Thus you perceive that your last surviving parent is gone-- gone to her final account. Yes, she who for the last 12 years, has been a kind and faithful mother to me; who has carefully watched over me, and, at all times, willingly assisted me; who has manifested all the filial attachment towards me that a mother could, has left me, and you and all of us, for another, and no one can doubt, a better world. We shall see her here on earth no more. No more shall I be welcomed by her as in former times, on my returning home from these halls of learning. How sad, how affecting is this though! I shall leave this place in about six or seven weeks, and go home, but all one welcoming friend will not meet me, one kind hand will not be extended to congratulate me on my return. Alas! Alas! How affecting is the reflection! I cannot express my feelings. More than ten times since I commenced this, have I been choked by sobs and tears.

What more shall I say? What more can I say? I fear you will be puzzled to decipher what I have already written. My nerves are all in agitation and for me to write smoothly now is "out of the question". But under existing circumstances, I trust you will forgive all imperfections in penmanship.

I have nothing more under the head of news, of importance. You have probably heard of uncle John Perham's death. He died in May, I think. Aunt Abigail, your brother Charles' widow, paid grandmother a visit just before her illness.

As it respects myself, I have been here since last May. Sister Elizabeth was her during the summer term. She, with Rebecca, is now in Lowell (factories). I shall go home the first of Nov.-- unreadable, I expect, two schools in Dracut one unreadable one or two writing schools. Expect to return home in the spring.

I am now studying Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, French, &c. I have been to school here in all about 17 months.

Respectfully, your Nephew,

J. Clement.

