Letter to Daniel Clement from Bartlett, Jan 18 1829
A letter addressed on the outside to "Mr. Daniel Clement, Townsend Mass", dated Jan 18 1829, discussing some rather opaque business matters.
Mr. Clement, Dear Sir
According to your request I proceed to write you this line. Mr. Richards (?) The man I tinder stone for has sold his stand & moved his goods to Walpole Newhampshire [sic], reason for which I can not now, so well write. But there is now a good chance to unreadable & stone, and if you have a wish to join me or put in a stone unreadable I will join you if we can agree. The publick (?) is somewhat anxious that I should get a steady fellow to join me to open a stone to keep good order to unreadable in it. the stone we now have here is a unreadable of pollution & the sturdy (?) part of the community will not trade with them. I can not write particulars but must be brief.I will say I think it is a good chance for you, but if you think of not taking up the traders life for a living I have not a word to say, but shall look for some body else to join me. If you should wish to settle soon this stand where my brother lives can be bought for $300 Dollars & it is cheap at that, & my wheel write unreadable will make a good stone & will need not little more expense, just upon it. As to the prospects of selling goods I can not so well write, but I will venture to say it is as easy & as profitable (?) as farming. I send this letter by Mr. unreadable the man who keeps the opposite stone & I wish your not to say a word to him on this subject but [missing words] me back by the same man or some one soon whether you have any notion of doing anything about it or not.It is expected these men who now trade here now will fail before long, but that is uncertain.
If we should do any thing about this business we should not expect to begin till Spring, say 1st May. Respecting this lot of unreadable we was speaking of, it is owned by a Mr. Taft in Montague in Mass, it lays down Connecticut river. There is another lot unreadable the [missing words] town of Minehead VT on Con river containing 500 unreadable to be sold for $600 Dollars. If you have a notion to come to look this winter please to come hear & see me, it will be as near & I will give you some more particular information about it. Once more, if you are not unreadable with business this winter & will come & see me & talk over matters & things it may not be altogether unreadable, but write to me at any rate.Springfield, Jan 18, 1829
Yours Respectfully
G Bartlett